Lindo Sonho Delirante vol. 3: 100 fearless records from Brazil

In this passionate, meticulous and captivating musical research, you will find a restless, sometimes utopic, but also genuine panorama. Each album, EP or single, is accompanied by a review in Portuguese and English, and faithful reproduction of the original cover art.

por Bento Araujo     23 nov 2020

PRICE: $39.00 USD (BOOK) + $10.00 USD (ROW shipping and handling). TOTAL: $49.00 USD

The new book

Brazil, 1985. The end of the military regime, Rock in Rio put Brazil on the global map of pop music, Tancredo Neves was elected president, Ayrton Senna won his first F1 Grand Prix, and Bizz magazine was released. While Brazilian rock music gained unprecedented notoriety in the country, musical revolutions didn’t stop happening in the underground. It is here that the third volume of Lindo Sonho Delirante begins.

From the second half of the 1980s onwards, after a period of political liberalization and cultural submission to the First World, Brazilian music started being rediscovered and revalorized by the youth. Preconceived notions started crumbling. Musicians went back to experimenting, mixing influences from abroad with our Brazilian roots. Anthropophagic revolutions started happening again. There was a recapture, a revaluation of forgotten records by Brazilian artists. Musicians, DJs, producers and collectors from around the world started exploring Brazilian music beyond bossa nova.

The goal of Lindo Sonho Delirante vol. 3: 100 fearless records from Brazil (1986-2000) is to show that Brazil produced transgressive musical works, many of which, unfortunately, continue to be neglected by a large audience. The digging of the works contained in this third volume begins in 1986. We set out on a journey that ends in the year 2000.

More than 60 interviews were made for this project so this new book bring many exclusive reports, accounts and recollections from Akira S, Alex Antunes, Andrea Daltro, Edson Natale, Fabio Golfetti, Frank Jorge, Jarbas Mariz, João Parahyba, John Ulhoa, José Augusto Lemos, Kassin, Marcos Suzano, Maria Rita Stumpf, Maurício Pereira, Miguel Barella, Paulo Barnabé, Pena Schmidt, Pedro Sá, Priscila Ermell, R.H. Jackson, Sandra Coutinho, Tetê Espíndola, Thomas Pappon, and Vitor Ramil, among others.

Book Specifications
ISBN 9786500106930
232 pages
21 x 19.5 cm
600 grams
Fully colored
Cover in 300g/m² coated paper, core in 115g/m² coated paper, PUR binding
Texts in Portuguese and English
Priceless information
100 reviews of albums + 100 reproductions of original cover art + Introduction

Each one of the 100 records reviewed in the book appears as above

What is the Lindo Sonho Delirante project?

Lindo Sonho Delirante is a series of books that tell, through reviews of records, the trajectory of the fearless, cutting-edge, experimental and psychedelic music produced in Brazil. The goal of the series is to present an alternative history of Brazilian music and share records beyond the obvious, getting away from the interest of the industry and the algorithms of the digital platforms.

For a long time, what was heard and studied about Brazilian music around the world was the bossa nova and the big names of MPB. From the ‘90s onwards, there was a surge in interest on other scenes, such as Tropicália, Manguebeat, Vanguarda Paulistana, and the psychedelia from Pernambuco, among many others. The main goal of the Lindo Sonho Delirante project is to present these several musical facets of Brazil to the world, since the books are published in Portuguese and English.

The two previous volumes

In 2016, we released, together, the first volume of the series: Lindo Sonho Delirante: 100 psychedelic records from Brazil (1968-1975). In 2018, it was time for the second volume, Lindo Sonho Delirante vol. 2: 100 daring records from Brazil (1976-1985). The results were incredible and these campaigns turned into some of the biggest crowdfundings for musical books in Brazil. More than 1,000 people believed in the project and helped realize the dream of showing the richness of our music to the world. With support from each one of you and the people who purchased the books after the campaigns, we were able to carry on with the project. Today there are more than 5,000 books spread over more than 40 countries. Lindo Sonho Delirante is more than a book series. It is a project that involves lectures, workshops, concerts, trips around the world, record reissues and discussion panels about a very important facet of Brazilian music that is unfortunately not properly celebrated. The project has already promoted book launching events and lectures in England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the United States. In Brazil, events and lectures have taken place in Fortaleza, João Pessoa, Curitiba, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Recife.

About the author

Bento Araujo is a journalist, researcher and record collector. He started out playing in bands and working in record stores. In 2003, he created poeira Zine, an independent publication that introduced a considerable amount of information on artists from around the world who had never captured the attention of mainstream media. After 13 years of intense activity and 69 issues published, poeira Zine’s impact paved the way for a weekly podcast: poeiraCast. The author has also had his articles, essays and interviews published in the two biggest Brazilian newspapers, O Estado de São Paulo and Folha de São Paulo, as well as in music magazines such as Bizz, Rolling Stone, Rock Brigade and Roadie Crew. As a presenter, he worked with Gastão Moreira and Edgard Piccoli on the Heavy Lero show. As a lecturer, mediator and curator he takes part in many musical events throughout Brazil and South America. As a reporter, he has covered festivals, shows and musical events in the U.S., Europe, and several Latin American countries. In 2016 he released his first book, Lindo Sonho Delirante: 100 psychedelic records from Brazil (1968-1975) , published in Portuguese and English, and sold in more than 40 countries.

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